English Time - Difference between Use and Utilize
So, What Does "Utilize" Mean?
Merriam-Webster defines utilize as, “to make use of; turn to practical use or account.” So how is this different from use? In a nutshell, to utilize something is to give it a use it may not have originally had
For example:
• Yes, you can utilize the conference room for your holiday party.
• We utilize Excel for our database instead of Access.
• Our company utilizes many common tools to come up with new innovations.
How to Choose Between "Use" and "Utilize"
Basically, the choice between use and utilize depends on how the item you are referring to is normally employed.
For example:
• You use a pen to write, but can utilize it as a weapon.
• You use a dining table for eating, but can utilize it as work space.
• You use a car for driving, but you and your hot date can utilize it for…
... (To be continuous) ... R.A
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